Come Fly with Me is a British mockumentary television comedy series created by and starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams. Narrated by Lindsay Duncan, the series launched on 25 December 2010 on BBC One and BBC One HD. It will air in Australia on Monday nights at 8pm on the Nine network.
A spoof of British documentaries Airport and Airline, the series follows the activity at a fictional airport and three airlines: FlyLo (a low-cost airline), Our Lady Air (an Irish low-cost airline) and Great British Air (a major international British airline). A variety of staff and passengers played by Lucas or Walliams are followed.
OMAR BABA: Played by: David Walliams The owner of low-cost airline FlyLo | |
PRECIOUS LITTLE: Played by: Matt Lucas The manager of the airport's coffee kiosk, who deliberately causes problems which force the closure of the kiosk, allowing her to take the day off. | |
MOSES BEACON: Played by: David Walliams Appearances: Starting in Series 2 The executive passenger liaison officer for Great British Air. Moses also runs a charity called WishWings. | |
IAN FOOT: Played by: David Walliams The airport's chief immigration officer. | |
TOMMY REID: Played by: Matt Lucas A young Scottish man working at the airport's Happy Burger, hoping to work his way up to becoming a pilot. | |
TAAJ MANZOOR: Played by: Matt Lucas Roving ground crew for FlyLo. | |
MEDLDY BAINES and KEELEY ST CLAIR: Played by: David Walliams and Matt Lucas respectively Liverpudlian check-in staff for FlyLo. | |
MICKEY MINCHIN and BUSTER BELL: Played by: Matt Lucas and David Walliams respectively The airport's in-house paparazzi. | |
FEARGHAL O'FARRELL: Played by: Matt Lucas Gay air steward for Irish airline Our Lady Air. | |
BEN ROBERTS and JAMES STEWART: Played by: David Walliams and Matt Lucas respectively Airport customs officers, with rather extreme methods of cataloguing the illegal substances they find. | |
SIMON and JACKIE TRENT: Played by: Matt Lucas and David Walliams respectively A husband-and-wife pilot team with marital problems, flying for Great British Air. | |
PETER and JUDITH: Played by: Matt Lucas and David Walliams respectively Holiday makers who have suffered several horrific and surreal trips abroad with FlyLo. | |
PENNY CARTER: Played by: David Walliams A first-class stewardess for Great British Air's long haul flights, with scathing views of passengers in the economy-class cabin. | |
TERRY AND JOHN: Played By: David Walliams and Matt Lucas respectively Father-and-son baggage handlers, who feel that people are too critical of them. | |
HETTY WOLF: Played by: Matt Lucas A 92-year-old first-time passenger who scams Moses Beacon into buying her a number of luxuries and getting her a seat in First Class, before revealing she has flown many times before. |